All in Agreement Say ”I”: An Exploration of the Origins and Uses of this Popular Phrase

If you`ve ever been in a meeting or group discussion, you`ve likely heard someone say ”all in agreement say `I`.” This phrase is commonly used to prompt group members to express their agreement with a decision or proposal. But where did this saying come from, and why is it so commonly used today?

Origins of ”All in Agreement Say `I`”

The origins of the phrase ”all in agreement say `I`” are unclear, but it likely dates back to ancient times when people would make agreements or oaths in groups. By saying ”I” in unison, everyone in the group would show their commitment to the agreement or oath. The phrase may have also been used in religious ceremonies, where a group of worshippers would express their belief or commitment to a certain principle or deity.

Uses of ”All in Agreement Say `I`”

Today, the phrase ”all in agreement say `I`” is commonly used in business meetings, political discussions, and other group settings. It`s often used as a way to take a quick vote or to get a sense of the group`s consensus on a particular topic. By having everyone say ”I” in unison, it ensures that every member of the group has a chance to express their agreement or disagreement.

However, some people have criticized the use of this phrase, arguing that it can be intimidating or silencing to those who may have a different opinion. For example, in a group where everyone is expected to agree, someone who dissents may feel pressured to go along with the rest of the group rather than speak up for their own views. As a result, some groups have started to use alternative phrases like ”all in favor say `aye`” or ”any objections?” to encourage more open and diverse discussion.


Overall, the phrase ”all in agreement say `I`” has a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times. While it`s still commonly used today, some groups are choosing to use more inclusive language to encourage open and diverse discussion. As a professional, it`s important to be aware of the origins and uses of popular phrases like this one, and to use language that is respectful and inclusive to all members of the group.